natural linen hand painted bold navy stripe fabric. painted soft white, almost gray
I have to give all the credit to my husband for my newest chairs! I’ve had these two chairs on the website under “Create Your Own.” One afternoon Chase threw a strip of navy velvet on the seat of the chair as an attempt to help clean up the apartment. It was so simple and pretty that I started a search for a really bold striped navy fabric. No such luck though! When I can’t find something I, of course, try to make it my self. Lots of googling and trip to the paint store, I have a striped fabric! And a new technique to use on my chairs. Hand painted fabric -- ohh the possibilities are endless!!

A few weeks ago I picked up a new chair, a bit more masculine than my past pieces. It’s a midcentury modern chair, much like you probably would have seen in your grandparents house or on the set of Mad Men. I’ve been wanting to snag one of these chairs but they are quite expensive up here. Now I’m on the hunt for the perfect fabric.
Thank you Allison for sending me some great pics of the ottoman in your living room, it’s up in the “Where Are They Now” album on White Design Facebook Page. I especially love that her cute little dog is in the background!! Keep the pics coming, and don’t forget to check out WhiteDesign on Facebook!
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